Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Why We Homeschool

I know that I took a very long hiatus from blogging, but have finally decided to come back. Why? Well, I thought it might give me the kick in the pants I need to document our lives. Not only our day to day activities, but also our homeschooling journey. So, to kick off my return to Blogosphere, I thought I would start with the basic "Why We Homeschool".

We homeschool for one reason-Because that is what is right for our family. Notice I didn't say that it is right for every family, I said it is what is right for OUR family. When we were considering homeschooling our children, Hubs asked one thing- Can we provide a better education for our children at home than they can recieve elsewhere? The answer was a definite yes. We want to teach our children Biblical truths, we want to protect them from the outside world (to some extent) on our terms and no one else, and mainly because we want to provide a more rigorous education than what is provided at many of our local schools.

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