Sunday, October 17, 2010


These days I am all about organization. With 4 small children, going to school full time, and my many other duties, organization is the only way I feel half way sane on a day to day basis.

BC (Before Children) I use to sit down every week and plan out our menu and shopping list. It saved a lot of stress each evening when it came time to make dinner. Well, as time has gone by I have gotten worse and worse with meal planning. I still go grocery shopping, spend tons of money, and then stress every night because I cant figure out what to make for dinner. So, then a lot of times we end up eating out, which costs us even more money. And honestly, I just dont have the time to sit down and do this every week!

Well, seeing as our house payment went up almost $500 a month, we have to be more careful then ever about where our money is going. When I cam across E-Mealz I was a little intrigued, but a little skeptical at the same time. When I saw a coupon code for a discount (DAVE) I decided to take the plunge and try it out. The idea is simple. Each week they plan a menu for you, main dish and sides included. Each meal is very well rounded, and very easy to make. What makes it even better though, is they plan the menu based on what is on sale at the store you shop at. Hallelujah Kroger was on that list and away I went! We have been doing this for 2 weeks now and I am hooked. You would be surprised how much stress is lifted off of my shoulders because of one simple service. The stress relief alone if enough reason to jump right in, but we are saving A LOT of money in the process. It seems silly to spend $5 a month, but the money that we save having a plan, shopping the sales, and not going out to eat way over shadows that measly $5.

Check them out!


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